(NOTE: This review's all spoiler free, people! I hate when stuff is given away)
What is there to say about this movie that you don't already know?
To call it a Blair Witch Project/Godzilla mash-up would be over-simplifying and not doing justice to the brilliance of Cloverfield. Yes, this movie is all on jittery handheld video like in Blair Witch and runs like a Universal Studios amusement park ride but the similarities end there. Unlike Blair Witch, we do get to see the monster close-up. An unnamed beast, I'm bold to say, that unto itself will go down in history as one of the most creative and unique terrors ever to grace the silver screen.
Cloverfield is akin to the great James Cameron Aliens movies in atmosphere, tension, and creatures that jump at you in the dark.
But no, that's still not quite right.
JJ Abrams is a master of subtle story-telling. Every piece of plot is strategically placed for you to mull over and appreciate. He's done it in Lost, Alias, and (to a lesser degree) Mission Impossible 3. This is a monster movie to think about after the last clip ends abruptly. Abrams allows you to fill in the blanks with your own imagination. Nothing is quite as terrifying as what your own mind can drum up on a creepy silent night.
He brings you down to ground level following five friends surviving in New York City after the monster begins to attack. All you ever know is what they know...and that's never the full story...just like what would happen in real life. But who goes to movies to experience real life? We go for an escape. An escape is what this movie will give you as long as you go in with the thought that this is a Ride (capital R intentional)...the only thing missing is the shakey seats and a rollercoaster.
Cloverfield is a movie interwoven in what is captured upon this video camera found in Central Park after the event. And what it captures is a day that will echo 9/11 in true rawness and grit (well, as true as movies can give us). It captures an ordinary night turned extraordinary.
If you heed my warning that this flick is more rollercoaster-like with clever storytelling and less run-of-the-mill movie, you may appreciate it like I did. If you can't handle rollercoasters or get motion sickness, wait for video. No matter how you see it, sit near the back...and get ready for a wild ride.
8 new and creative ways to die out of 10
(EASTER EGG for Lost Fans: Look for the Lost shout-out right at the beginning before the video starts...Dharma?)