Now...this is a movie to end my summer list on.
OK. So we've got a fifty-something martial arts star who moves better than your average twenty year old, a sometimes funny comedian who does a bang on Michael Jackson impression, stunts that would make you cringe, and a lot of broken english, french, and Cantonese...mix this all in a bowl...and what have you got? If you said Jackie Chan's new movie Rush Hour 3, you read the title of this review.
I like Jackie Chan...let me get that out of the way first. Ever since Rumble in the Bronx (and classics like Legend of the Drunken Master), he's been my go-to guy for action. I won't even deduct points for his singing ability. "He sings?" You say. Yes, sez I. He's been a fixture in Hong Kong new years parties for years...and he sings in this movie...in English! And it's pretty bad...but it works because Chan still milks it with comic precision.
However, he appears to have lost a step with his martial arts skills. Either that or he didn't want to try as hard this time around. Either way, watch any of his other movies for better action sequences.
Christ Tucker, on the other hand, shines in this movie. This is his best portrayal of the "cop/duck out of water" role. He even dishes out some nifty one-liners like "Don't make me kick the puberty out of you." (funnier in context). And the mildly amusing exchange between Tucker, Sensei Yu, and one of his students named Mi is reminiscent of the old Abbot and Costello's Who's On First routine. Also, Tucker seems to have picked up a LOT of martial arts skills since we last saw him (probably helped along with clever editing and sped up filming)...still, it makes him look good.
Question is: would this movie been successful without Jackie Chan? No!!! He gets you in the door to watch it. Would this movie been successful without Tucker? Hell no! In this movie, Tucker's the reason you stay in your seat. But if this was five years ago, Jackie alone would've carried this movie.
One last noodler: Has Jackie's star begun to fall? I'd say yes but it doesn't mean he still can't give you a good ride like in this movie...but wait for the rental.
Overall rating: 7 Jackie Chan broken bones out of 10
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